[2] Designing for Immunity to Pulsed EMI. Wilmington, MA: Keytek
Instrument Corp., 1990.
Keywords: Antennas, Balance, Blocking, Bonding, Cables, Capacitive coupling,
Capacitors, Checksums, Clamps, Common-impedance coupling, Common-mode,
Conductive fillers, Conductive paints, Conductive plating, Controls,
Corrosion, Crowbars, Differential mode, Disabled states, Double-sided boards,
Edge-triggered logic, Enclosures/housings, Error-correcting codes (ECC), Error
detection, Error recovery, ESD current, ESD damage, ESD energy, ESD risetime,
ESD testing, ESD upsets, ESD voltage, Fail safe, Feedthrough capacitors,
Ferrite beads/sleeves, Filters, Floating inputs, Framing, Galvanic series, Gas
tubes, Gaskets, Ground grids, Ground planes, Grounding, Handshaking,
Inductance, Inductive coupling, Intermittent errors, Loop area, Metal-oxide
varistors (MOV's), Multilayer boards, Noise immunity, Openings, Optoisolators,
Parity, Pigtails, Redundancy, Refreshing, Response time, Sampling data, Seams,
Secondary arcs, Shielding, Shunting, Slots, Spacing, Spark gaps, Tokens,
Transient voltage suppressors (TVS's), Transposing lines, Twisted pairs,
Unused memory, Wait states, Watchdog timers.
[3] Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Protection Test Handbook, 2nd
ed. Burlington, MA: KeyTek Instruments Corp., 1986.
Keywords: Air discharge, Bipolar devices, Cable routing, Cables, Capacitance,
Capacitors, Case histories, Charge injection, CMOS devices, Contact discharge,
Controls, Corona, Charge injection, Direct discharge, Electric field,
Electromagnetic pulse (EMP) protection, ESD charge, ESD current, ESD damage,
ESD duration, ESD energy, ESD immunity, ESD risetime, ESD simulator (human
body model), ESD standards, ESD testing, ESD upsets, ESD voltage, ESD
waveform, Furniture ESD, Ground planes, Ground wires, Grounding, Hand/tool
model, Human body model (HBM), Humidity, Inductive coupling, Keyboards,
Lead-length effects, Loop area, Magnetic field, Memory errors, Metal-oxide
varistors (MOV's), Shielding, Showering arcs, Spacing, Switches, Transient
voltage suppressors (TVS's), Triboelectric charging, Triboelectric series.
[4] Ionization and Electrostatic Charge Control in the Semiconductor Industry. Hatfield, PA: Simco.
[5] Motorola TVS/Zener Device Data, 2nd ed. Motorola, 1994.
(Chapter 10, pages 11-62 to 11-80)
Keywords: Capacitance, Clamping voltage, Clamps, CMOS devices, Computer
crashes, Crowbars, ESD charge, ESD damage, ESD duration, ESD immunity, ESD
risetime, ESD voltage, Gas tubes, Hand/tool model, Human body model (HBM),
Keyboards, Leakage current, Metal-oxide varistors (MOV's), MOSFET's,
Optoisolators, Shock threshold, Shunting, Spark gaps, Thyristors, Transient
voltage suppressors (TVS's), Zener diodes.
[6] Pulsed EMI Handbook. Wilmington, MA: KeyTek Instrument Corp.,
Keywords: Air discharge, Arcing, Cables, Charge injection, Contact discharge,
Direct discharge, ESD duration, ESD risetime, ESD simulator (crossed-vane),
ESD standards, ESD testing, ESD voltage, ESD waveform, Furniture ESD,
Hand/tool model, Human body model (HBM), Indirect discharge.
[7] Pulsed EMI Handbook, 4th ed.. Wilmington, MA: KeyTek
Instrument Corp.
Keywords: Air discharge, Arcing, Cables, Charge injection, Contact discharge,
Direct discharge, ESD duration, ESD risetime, ESD simulator (crossed-vane),
ESD standards, ESD testing, ESD voltage, ESD waveform, Furniture ESD,
Hand/tool model, Human body model (HBM), Indirect discharge.
[8] Sony Semiconductor Quality and Reliability Handbook, Sony, Oct. 2000. (download from http://www.sony.co.jp/en/Products/SC-HP/QR/)
[9] Surge Protection Test Handbook. Burlington, MA: KeyTek
Instrument Corp., 1982.
Keywords: Clamps, Crowbars, Gas tubes, Metal-oxide varistors (MOV's),
Thyristors, Transient voltage suppressors (TVS's).
[10] Testing for Pulsed EMI Immunity. Wilmington, MA: Keytek
Instrument Corp., 1990.
Keywords: Air discharge, Cable entry points, Contact discharge, Controls,
Diagnostics, Direct discharge, ESD charge, ESD duration, ESD energy, ESD
risetime, ESD simulator (crossed-vane), ESD standards, ESD testing, ESD
voltage, ESD waveform, Ferrite beads/sleeves, Furniture ESD, Hand/tool model,
Human body model (HBM), Indicators, Indirect discharge, Keyboards, Openings,
Seams, Switches, Triboelectric charging.
[11] Transient Voltage Suppression Devices. Harris
Semiconductor, 1994. (Chapters 1-7 & Application Notes, pages 1-1 to 7-17 and
11-1 to 12-63)
Keywords: Capacitance, Capacitors, Clamping voltage, Clamps, CMOS devices,
Crowbars, ESD damage, ESD duration, ESD energy, ESD immunity, ESD voltage,
Filters, Gas tubes, Human body model (HBM), Latch-up, Lead-length effects,
Leakage current, Loop area, Machine Model (MM), Metal-oxide varistors (MOV's),
Resistors, Response time, Spark gaps, Transient voltage suppressors (TVS's),
Zener diodes.
[12] Amerasekera, Ajith, and Duvvury, Charvaka,
ESD in Silicon Integrated Circuits. New York: John Wiley & Sons,
1995. (Chapters 1 & 2, pages 1-27)
Keywords: Charged device model (CDM), ESD charge, ESD current, ESD damage,
ESD duration, ESD immunity, ESD simulator (charged device model), ESD
simulator (human body model), ESD simulator (machine model), ESD simulator
(transmission line pulse), ESD testing, ESD voltage, Failure modes, Human body
model (HBM), Latch-up, Leakage current, Machine Model (MM), Scaling laws.
[13] Antinone, Robert J., et al,
Electrical Overstress Protection for Electronic Devices. Park
Ridge, NJ: Noyes Publications, 1986. (pages 11-16, 386-390)
Keywords: Capacitance, Charged device model (CDM), ESD current, ESD damage,
ESD energy, ESD voltage, Human body model (HBM).
[14] ASM International, Metals Handbook 9th edition Volume 2 Properties and Selection: Nonferrous Alloys and Pure Metals. Metals Park, OH: ASM International, 1987.
[15] ASM International,
Metals Handbook 9th edition Volume 13 Corrosion. Metals Park,
OH: ASM International, 1987.
Keywords: Corrosion, Galvanic series.
[16] Bakoglu, H. B.,
Circuits, Interconnections, and Packaging for VLSI. New York:
Addison-Wesley, 1990. (Section 2.5, pages 41-53)
Keywords: ESD damage, Latch-up, Scaling laws.
[17] Barnes, John R.,
Electronic System Design: Interference and Noise Control Techniques
. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1987.
Keywords: Bonding, Corrosion, Galvanic series, Gaskets, Openings, Seams,
[18] Besancon, Robert M., The Encyclopedia of Physics, Second Edition. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1974. Pages 249-253.
[19] Bhar, Tarak N., and McMahon, Edward J., Electrostatic Discharge Control. Rochelle Park: Hayden Book Company, NJ, 1983.
[20] Boxleitner, Warren,
Electrostatic Discharge and Electronic Equipment-- A Practical Guide for
Designing to Prevent ESD Problems. New York: IEEE Press, 1989.
Keywords: Air discharge, Antennas, Arcing, Bonding, Bypassing/decoupling,
Cables, Capacitance, Capacitors, Charge injection, Conductive plating,
Connectors, Contact discharge, Corona, Corrosion, Derating components, Direct
discharge, Electric field, Enclosures/housings, ESD current, ESD duration, ESD
frequency range, ESD risetime, ESD simulator (human body model), ESD testing,
ESD voltage, ESD waveform, Failure modes, Fault tolerance, Ferrite
beads/sleeves, Filters, Furniture ESD, Galvanic series, Gaskets, Ground
planes, Grounding, Human body model (HBM), Keyboards, Lock-ups, Loop area,
Magnetic field, Printed circuit boards (PCB's), Resets, Seams, Secondary arcs,
Shielding, Showering arcs, Slots, Software, Spacing, Triboelectric charging.
[21] Buchanan, James E.,
BiCMOS/CMOS Systems Design. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1991.
(Section 3-4-3.5, pages 46-51)
Keywords: ESD immunity, Floating inputs, Ground planes, Grounding, Latch-up,
Resistors, Zener diodes.
[22] Buchanan, James E.,
CMOS/TTL Digital Systems Design. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1990.
(section 3-2-5, pages 55-58)
Keywords: Floating inputs, Latch-up, Resistors.
[23] Buchanan, James E.,
Signal and Power Integrity in Digital Systems. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1996. (sections 3.6 and 5.9, pages 64-68 108-112)
Keywords: ESD immunity, Floating inputs, Grounding, Latch-up, Resistors.
[24] Chomerics,
EMI Shielding for Military/Aerospace Electronics, 1998.
(download from http://www.chomerics.com/)
Keywords: Bonding, Cables, Conductive coatings, Corrosion, Galvanic series,
Gaskets, Grounding, Tapes.
[25] Christopoulos, Christos, Principles and Techniques of Electromagnetic Compatibility. Ann Arbor, MI: CRC Press, 1995.
[26] Cobine, James Dillon, Gaseous Conductors. New York: Dover, 1958.
[27] Compliance Design,
Handbook of EC EMC Compliance. Boxborough, MA: Compliance
Design, 1993. (Meeting the NEW EC Immunity Requirements, pages 17-22, and
Designing for Electrostatic Discharge Immunity, pages 53-58)
Keywords: Arcing, Cables, Capacitors, Charge injection, Checkpoints, Direct
discharge, Electric field, Enclosures/housings, ESD current, ESD damage, ESD
risetime, ESD upsets, Fault tolerance, Ferrite beads/sleeves, Filters,
Furniture ESD, Grounding, Guard rings, Indirect discharge, Keyboards,
Lead-length effects, Magnetic field, Openings, Redundancy, Resistors, Rounded
corners, Sampling data, Seams, Shielding, Spacing, Strobing data, Unused
memory, Watchdog timers.
[28] Compliance Design,
Handbook of EU EMC Compliance. Boxborough, MA: Compliance
Design, 1995. (Meeting the New EU Immunity
Requirements, Appendix 4, Appendix 6, pages 18-23, 47-49, 52-57)
Keywords: Air discharge, Cables, Capacitors, Charge injection, Checkpoints,
Conductive coatings, Conductive plating, Electric field, ESD current, ESD
damage, ESD risetime, ESD standards, ESD testing, ESD upsets, ESD waveform,
Failure modes, Fault tolerance, Ferrite beads/sleeves, Filters, Furniture ESD,
Grounding, Guard rings, Human body model (HBM), Indirect discharge, Keyboards,
Magnetic field, Openings, Redundancy, Resistors, Rounded corners, Sampling
data, Seams, Shielding, Software, Spacing, Strobing data, Unused memory,
Watchdog timers.
[29] Compliance Design, Handbook of EU EMC Compliance. Boxborough, MA: Compliance Design, 1996.
[30] Corp, M. Bruce,
Zzaap! Taming ESD, RFI, and EMI. New York: Academic Press,
Keywords: Bypassing/decoupling, Cables, Computer crashes, Derating
components, Direct discharge, ESD damage, ESD standards, ESD testing, ESD
upsets, Fail safe, Ground planes, Grounding, Heatsinks, Indirect discharge,
Lead-length effects, Metal-oxide varistors (MOV's), Power distribution,
Printed circuit boards (PCB's), Shielding, Spacing, Substitute parts,
Triboelectric charging, Zener diodes.
[31] Dabral, Sanjay, and Maloney, Timothy J.,
Basic ESD and I/O Design. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1998.
Keywords: Capacitors, Charged device model (CDM), ESD current, ESD damage,
ESD energy, ESD frequency range, ESD immunity, ESD risetime, ESD simulator
(charged device model), ESD simulator (human body model), ESD simulator
(transmission line pulse), Human body model (HBM), Latch-up, Leakage current,
Machine Model (MM), Scaling laws, Spark gaps.
[32] Dally, William J.,
Digital Systems Engineering. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University
Press, 1998. (section 11.4, pages
Keywords: ESD duration, ESD simulator (human body model), ESD simulator
(machine model), ESD waveform, Field-induced breakdown (FIB).
[33] Diaz, Carlos H., Kang, S. M. (Steve), Duvvury, Charvaka,
Modeling of Electrical Overstress in Integrated Circuits.
Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995.
Keywords: Bibliography, Bipolar devices, Charged device model (CDM), CMOS
devices, ESD current path, ESD damage, ESD duration, ESD immunity, ESD
simulator (charged device model), ESD simulator (human body model), ESD
simulator (machine model), ESD testing, Failure modes, Field-induced breakdown
(FIB), Human body model (HBM), Input protection, Latch-up, Leakage current,
Machine Model (MM), Output protection, Power protection, Scaling laws.
[34] Eckert, Jeffrey K.,
Commercial EMC Standards of the United States, Volume 9.
Gainesville, VA: Interference Control Technologies, 1988.
Keywords: Corrosion, Gas tubes, Gaskets, Metal-oxide varistors (MOV's).
[35] Ficchi, Rocco F.,
Practical Design for Electromagnetic Compatibility. New York:
Hayden Book Company, 1971. (section 10-4,
page 173)
Keywords: Human body model (HBM), Humidity.
[36] Gabrielson, Bruce C., The Aerospace Engineer's Handbook of Lightning Protection. Gainesville, VA: Interference Control Technologies, 1988.
[37] Georgopoulos, Chris J., Fiber Optics and Optical Isolators. Gainesville, VA: Don White Consultants, 1982.
[38] Goedblood, Jasper,
Electromagnetic Compatibility. New York: Prentice Hall, 1990.
(sections, pages 306-327)
Keywords: Connectors, Corona, Direct discharge, Electric field, ESD charge,
ESD damage, ESD duration, ESD energy, ESD frequency range, ESD immunity, ESD
risetime, ESD simulator (other), ESD testing, ESD upsets, ESD voltage, ESD
waveform, Filters, Gas tubes, Human body model (HBM), Humidity, Magnetic
field, Metal-oxide varistors (MOV's), Spacing, Spark gaps, Transient voltage
suppressors (TVS's), Triboelectric charging, Weather, Zener diodes.
[39] Greason, William D.,
Electrostatic Damage in Electronics: Devices and Systems. New
York: John Wiley & Sons, 1987.
Keywords: Antennas, Arcing, Bypassing/decoupling, Cables, Capacitance,
Capacitors, Charged device model (CDM), Checkpoints, Clamps, Connectors,
Controls, Corona, Crowbars, Electric field, Error-correcting codes (ECC), ESD
charge, ESD current, ESD damage, ESD duration, ESD energy, ESD frequency
range, ESD immunity, ESD risetime, ESD simulator (charged device model), ESD
simulator (crossed-vane), ESD simulator (human body model), ESD standards, ESD
testing, ESD upsets, ESD voltage, Failure modes, Fault tolerance,
Field-induced breakdown (FIB), Floating inputs, Furniture ESD, Gas tubes,
Gaskets, Grounding, Hand/tool model, Human body model (HBM), Indicators,
Induced charge, Keyboards, Latch-up, Lead-length effects, Loop area, Magnetic
field, Metal-oxide varistors (MOV's), Openings, Printed circuit boards
(PCB's), Redundancy, Resistors, Sampling data, Scaling laws, Seams, Secondary
arcs, Shielding, Software, Spacing, Spark gaps, Transient voltage suppressors
(TVS's), Triboelectric charging, Unused memory, Watchdog timers, Zener diodes.
[40] Greason, William D.,
Electrostatic Discharge in Electronics. New York: John Wiley &
Sons, 1992.
Keywords: Air discharge, Arcing, Bibliography, Breakdown strength,
Capacitance, Capacitive coupling, Charge injection, Charged device model
(CDM), Checkpoints, CMOS devices, Conductive charging, Contact discharge,
Current probes, Dipole model, Direct discharge, Electric field, Error
detection, Error recovery, ESD charge, ESD current, ESD damage, ESD duration,
ESD monitor, ESD risetime, ESD severity levels, ESD simulator (crossed-vane),
ESD simulator (furniture ESD), ESD simulator (human body model), ESD sources,
ESD standards, ESD testing, ESD upsets, ESD voltage, ESD waveform, Failure
modes, Fault tolerance, Field-induced breakdown (FIB), Furniture ESD,
Grounding, Hand/tool model, Human body model (HBM), Indirect discharge,
Inductive coupling, Input protection, Intermittent errors, Magnetic field,
Potential, Shielding, Software, Triboelectric charging, Work function.
[41] Hart, William C., and Malone, Edgar W., Lightning and Lightning Protection. Gainesville, VA: Don White Consultants, 1988.
[42] Hartal, Oren,
Electromagnetic Compatibility By Design 4th ed.. West
Conshohocken, PA: R&B Enterprises, 1996.
Keywords: Arcing, Bonding, Cables, Capacitors, Charge injection, Connectors,
Controls, Corona, Electric field, ESD damage, ESD duration, ESD energy, ESD
immunity, ESD risetime, ESD upsets, ESD voltage, Ferrite beads/sleeves,
Filters, Floating inputs, Gas tubes, Grounding, Guard rings, Human body model
(HBM), Humidity, Latch-up, Lead-length effects, Magnetic field, Metal-oxide
varistors (MOV's), Openings, Printed circuit boards (PCB's), Resistors,
Shielding, Slots, Soft errors, Spacing, Spark gaps, Transient voltage
suppressors (TVS's), Triboelectric charging, Triboelectric series, Zener
[43] Hellstrom, Sten, ESD-- The Scourge of Electronics. New York: Springer, 1998.
[44] Hey, John C., and Kram, William P.,
Transient Voltage Suppression Manual, 2nd ed. General Electric,
1978. (chapters 1-8,
pages 1-107)
Keywords: Clamps, Crowbars, ESD damage, Gas tubes, Lead-length effects,
Leakage current, Lightning protection, Metal-oxide varistors (MOV's), Response
time, Spark gaps, Thyristors, Zener diodes.
[45] Jowett, Charles E.,
Electrostatics in the Electronics Environment. New York: John
Wiley & Sons, 1976.
Keywords: ESD damage, ESD immunity, Failure modes, Human body model (HBM),
Leakage current, Resistors.
[46] Keiser, Bernhard E.,
Principles of Electromagnetic Compatibility. Dedham, MA: Artech
House, 1979. (section 3.2, pages
Keywords: Clamps, Electromagnetic pulse (EMP) protection, ESD damage, ESD
imunity, ESD upsets, Filters, Lead-length effects, Lightning protection,
Metal-oxide varistors (MOV's), Shielding, Transient voltage suppressors
(TVS's), Zener diodes.
[47] Keiser, Bernhard,
Principles of Electromagnetic Compatibility 3rd ed. Norwood, MA:
Artech House, 1987. (section 3.2, pages 47-55)
Keywords: Clamps, Electromagnetic pulse (EMP) protection, ESD damage, ESD
immunity, ESD upsets, Filters, Lead-length effects, Lightning protection,
Metal-oxide varistors (MOV's), Shielding, Transient voltage suppressors
(TVS's), Zener diodes.
[48] Kimmel, William D, and Gerke, Daryl D.,
Electromagnetic Compatibility in Medical Equipment. Piscataway,
NJ: IEEE Press and Interpharm Press, , 1995.
Keywords: Air discharge, Analog circuits, Antennas, Bandwidth, Bonding,
Bypassing/decoupling, Cable entry points, Cables, Capacitors, Checkpoints,
Checksums, Clamps, Conductive coatings, Conductive plating, Connectors,
Contact discharge, Controls, Corrosion, Crowbars, Direct discharge, Electric
field, Enclosures/housings, ESD damage, ESD frequency range, ESD risetime, ESD
standards, ESD testing, ESD upsets, ESD voltage, Failure modes, Ferrite
beads/sleeves, Filters, Furniture ESD, Galvanic series, Gaskets, Ground grids,
Ground planes, Grounding, Hangs, Human body model (HBM), Humidity, Indicators,
Indirect discharge, Interrupts, Input/Output (I/O circuits, Lead-length
effects, Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) panels, Lock-ups, Loop area, Magnetic
field, Metal-oxide varistors (MOV's), Openings, Pigtails, Power supplies,
Printed circuit boards (PCB's), Range checking, Redundancy, Resets, Resistors,
Response time, Seams, Shielding, Software, Spark gaps, Switches, Tokens,
Transient voltage suppressors (TVS's), Triboelectric charging, Triboelectric
series, Type checking, Watchdog timers, Weather, Zener diodes.
[49] Kimmel, William D. and Gerke, Daryl D., EMI Suppression Handbook: Communiques from the Trenches. Boalsburg, PA: Seven Mountains Scientific, 1998.
[50] Kodali, V. Prasad,
Engineering Electromagnetic Compatibility. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE
Press, 1996. (Sections 2-4, 8-3,
and 9-2, pages 26-31, 159-171, and 203)
Keywords: Air discharge, Arcing, Capacitance, Case histories, Contact
discharge, Corona, Direct discharge, Electric field, Electromagnetic pulse
(EMP) protection, ESD current, ESD damage, ESD duration, ESD energy, ESD
frequency range, ESD risetime, ESD simulator (human body model), ESD testing,
ESD upsets, ESD voltage, ESD waveform, Furniture ESD, Grounding, Humidity,
Human body model (HBM), Indirect discharge, Magnetic field, Triboelectric
charging, Triboelectric series, Weather.
[51] Lacy, Edward A.,
Protecting Electronic Equipment from Electrostatic Discharge.
Blue Ridge Summit, PA: Tab Books, 1984.
(Chapter 1, Section 5.1, pages 1-19,82-83)
Keywords: Antennas, Case histories, Direct discharge, Electric field, ESD
damage, ESD immunity, ESD upsets, ESD voltage, Grounding, Humidity, Indirect
discharge, Input protection, Metal-oxide varistors (MOV's), MOSFET's, Output
protection, Printed circuit boards (PCB's), Resistors, Shielding, Shunting,
Spark gaps, Transient voltage suppressors (TVS's), Triboelectric charging,
Weather, Zener diodes.
[52] Lee, P. A., and Anderson, T.,
Fault Tolerance-- Principles and Practices 2nd edition. New
York: Springer-Verlag, 1981. (Chapters 3,
5, and 7, pages 51-69, 95-121, and 143-187)
Keywords: Audit trails, Checkpoints, Cold start, Diagnostics,
Error-correcting codes (ECC), Error detection, Error logging, Error recovery,
Exception handling, Fault tolerance, Input checks, Output checks, Parity,
Range checking, Redundancy, Resetting, Run-time checks, Safe state, Sampling
data, Software, Warm start, Watchdog timers.
[53] Lide, David R., and Frederikse, H. P. R.,
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 78th ed. New York: CRC
Press, 1997-1998.
(pages 8-20 to 8-30)
Keywords: Galvanic series.
[54] Mardiguian, Michel,
Cookbook of EMI Fixes. Gainesville, VA: ICT Publishing Group,
Keywords: Aluminum tape, Bonding, Cable entry points, Cables, Capacitors,
Conductive paints, Connectors, Controls, Copper tape, Current probes, Direct
discharge, Enclosures/housings, ESD current, ESD immunity, ESD simulator
(other), ESD testing, ESD upsets, Ferrite beads/sleeves, Feedthrough
capacitors, Filters, Gaskets, Ground straps, Grounding, Humidity, Indirect
discharge, Keyboards, Metal-oxide varistors (MOV's), Openings, Seams, Sharp
edges/points, Shielding, Shunting, Switches, Transient voltage suppressors
(TVS's), Weather.
[55] Mardiguian, Michel,
Electromagnetic Control in Components and Devices Volume 5.
Gainesville, VA: Interference Control Technologies, 1988.
(Sections 3.1, 3.6, 4.4.2, 4.7, 5.3, 6.1.6, 6.4, and 7, pages 3.2-3.5,
3.39-3.40, 4.106-4.119, 4.151-4.167, 5.17-5.28, 6.17-6.20, 6.40-6.53, and
Keywords: Charged device model (CDM), Clamps, Connectors, CMOS devices,
Crowbars, Electro-explosive devices (EED's), ESD energy, ESD immunity, ESD
voltage, Failure modes, Filters, Gas tubes, Human body model (HBM),
Metal-oxide varistors (MOV's), Noise immunity, Response time, Scaling laws,
Spark gaps, Switches, Transient voltage suppressors (TVS's), Triboelectric
charging, Triboelectric series, Zener diodes.
[56] Mardiguian, Michel,
Electrostatic Discharge: Understand, Simulate and Fix ESD Problems
. Gainesville, VA: Interference Control Technologies, 1993.
Keywords: Air discharge, Aluminum tape, Analog circuits, Antennas, Arcing,
Bandwidth, Bipolar devices, Bonding, Bypassing/decoupling, Cable entry points,
Cables, Capacitance, Capacitors, Case histories, Charged device model (CDM),
Checksums, Clamps, CMOS devices, Conductive coatings, Conductive paints,
Conductive plating, Connectors, Contact discharge, Controls, Copper tape,
Corona, Corrosion, Current probes, Diagnostics, Direct discharge, Electric
field, Enclosures/housings, Error logging, Error recovery, ESD charge, ESD
current, ESD current path, ESD duration, ESD energy, ESD frequency range, ESD
immunity, ESD risetime, ESD simulator (charged device model), ESD simulator
(human body model), ESD standards, ESD testing, ESD voltage, ESD waveform,
Failure modes, Fasteners, Fault tolerance, Ferrite beads/sleeves, Filters,
Floating inputs, Furniture ESD, Gaskets, Ground planes, Ground straps, Ground
wires, Grounding, Hand/tool model, Human body model (HBM), Humidity,
Indicators, Indirect discharge, Inductance, Inductive charging, Input/Output
(I/O) circuits, Intermittent errors, Latch-up, Keyboards, Latch-up, Leakage
current, Loop area, Magnetic field, Memory access time, Memory errors,
Metal-oxide varistors (MOV's), Noise immunity, Openings, Optoisolators,
Parity, Paschen's Law, Pigtails, Power cords, Power distribution, Power supply
monitors, Printed circuit boards (PCB's), Resetting, Resistance, Resistors,
Sampling data, Scaling laws, Seams, Secondary arcs, Shielding, Showering arcs,
Shunting, Slots, Software, Spacing, Spark gaps, Static dissipaters, Switches,
Transfer Impedance, Transient voltage suppressors (TVS's), Triboelectric
charging, Triboelectric series, Unused memory, Watchdog timers, Weather, Zener
[57] Mardiguian, Michel,
EMI Troubleshooting Techniques. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2000.
Keywords: Aluminum tape, Blocking, Bonding, Capacitors, Clamps, Conductive
paints, Connectors, Controls, Copper tape, Crowbars, Current probes,
Diagnostics, Direct discharge, Error detection, Error recovery, ESD current
path, ESD simulator (human body model), ESD standards, ESD testing, ESD
waveform, Feedthrough capacitors, Ferrite beads/sleeves, Filters, Gas tubes,
Gaskets, Ground straps, Humidity, Indicators, Indirect discharge, Keyboards,
Metal-oxide varistors (MOV's), Printed circuit boards (PCB's), Seams,
Shielding, Shunting, Slots, Software, Switches, Transfer Impedance, Transient
voltage suppressors (TVS's), Weather.
[58] Mardiguian, Michel,
Grounding and Bonding Volume 2. Gainesville, VA: Interference
Control Technologies, 1988.
Keywords: Bonding, Cables, Conductive coatings, Connectors, Corrosion,
Electromagnetic pulse (EMP) protection, ESD frequency range, Galvanic series,
Gaskets, Ground planes, Ground straps, Ground wires, Grounding, Lightning
protection, Shielding.
[59] Marshman, Chris,
The Guide to the EMC Directive 89/336/EEC. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE
Press, 1992. (section 7.2, pages
Keywords: Air discharge, Contact discharge, Direct discharge, ESD immunity,
ESD simulator (human body model), ESD standards, ESD testing, ESD upsets, ESD
voltage, Failure modes, Human body model (HBM), Humidity, Indirect discharge,
Performance criteria.
[60] McAteer, Owen J.,
Electrostatic Discharge Control. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1990.
(section 12.12, pages 339-340)
Keywords: Charged device model (CDM), CMOS devices, ESD damage, ESD immunity,
ESD simulator (human body model), ESD standards, ESD testing, ESD upsets, ESD
voltage, ESD waveform, Field-induced breakdown (FIB), Galvanic series,
Hand/tool model, Human body model (HBM), Humidity, Latch-up, Machine Model
(MM), Metal-oxide varistors (MOV's), MOSFET's, Resistors, Transient voltage
suppressors (TVS's), Triboelectric charging, Triboelectric series.
[61] Montrose, Mark I.,
EMC and the Printed Circuit Board-- Design, Theory, and Layout Made
Simple. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Press, 1999.
(Chapter 4 and Appendix D, pages 81-124 and 311-315)
Keywords: Direct discharge, ESD damage, ESD frequency range, ESD risetime,
ESD standards, ESD upsets, Ground grids, Ground planes, Indirect discharge,
Performance criteria.
[62] Montrose, Mark I.,
Printed Circuit Board Design Techniques for EMC Compliance.
Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Press, 1996. (chapters 5 and 6,
pages 117-155)
Keywords: Bandwidth, Blocking, Bonding, Bypassing/decoupling, Cables,
Capacitors, Charge injection, CMOS devices, Connectors, Direct discharge,
Electric field, ESD current, ESD damage, ESD frequency range, ESD immunity,
ESD risetime, ESD upsets, Ferrite beads/sleeves, Filters, Ground fill, Ground
planes, Ground straps, Grounding, Guard rings, Indirect discharge, Keyboards,
Latch-up, Lock-ups, Loop area, Magnetic field, Metal-oxide varistors (MOV's),
Openings, Pigtails, Printed circuit boards (PCB's), Resistors, Response time,
Shielding, Shunting, Slots, Spacing, Spark gaps, Transient voltage suppressors
(TVS's), Triboelectric charging, Triboelectric series.
[63] Montrose, Mark I.,
Printed Circuit Board Design Techniques for EMC Compliance, 2nd ed
. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Press, 2000. (Chapters 5
and 6, pages 151-191)
Keywords: Bandwidth, Blocking, Bonding, Bypassing/decoupling, Cables,
Capacitors, Charge injection, CMOS devices, Connectors, Direct discharge,
Electric field, ESD current, ESD damage, ESD frequency range, ESD immunity,
ESD risetime, ESD upsets, Ferrite beads/sleeves, Filters, Ground fill, Ground
planes, Ground straps, Grounding, Guard rings, Indirect discharge, Keyboards,
Latch-up, Lock-ups, Loop area, Magnetic field, Metal-oxide varistors (MOV's),
Openings, Pigtails, Printed circuit boards (PCB's), Resistors, Response time,
Shielding, Shunting, Slots, Spacing, Spark gaps, Transient voltage suppressors
(TVS's), Triboelectric charging, Triboelectric series.
[64] Morrison, Ralph and Lewis, Warren H.,
Grounding and Shielding in Facilities. New York: John Wiley &
Sons, 1990. (sections 7.29-7.32,
pages 204-207)
Keywords: Air discharge, Cables, Contact discharge, ESD current, ESD energy,
ESD immunity, ESD risetime, ESD testing, Gaskets, Ground straps, Humidity,
Openings, Triboelectric charging, Weather.
[65] Morrison, Ralph,
Grounding and Shielding Techniques in Instrumentation, 2nd ed.
New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1977. (Section
9.11, pages 128-129)
Keywords: Ground planes, Loop area.
[66] Morrison, Ralph,
Noise and Other Interfering Signals. New York: John Wiley &
Sons, 1992.
Keywords: Bonding, Cables, Electric field, Enclosures/housings, ESD current,
ESD current path, ESD energy, ESD frequency range, ESD risetime, Ground
planes, Humidity, Openings, Spacing.
[67] Morrison, Ralph,
Solving Interference Problems in Electronics. New York: John
Wiley & Sons, 1995. (Chapters 9 and 12,
pages 162-176 and 191-193)
Keywords: Air discharge, Bonding, Cable entry points, Cables, Case histories,
Conductive fillers, Conductive paints, Conductive plating, Connectors, Contact
discharge, ESD current, ESD current path, ESD damage, ESD energy, ESD
frequency range, ESD immunity, ESD risetime, ESD testing, Humidity,
Metal-oxide varistors (MOV's), Pigtails, Resistors, Seams, Shielding.
[68] Ott, Henry W.,
Noise Reduction Techniques in Electronic Systems, 2nd ed. New
York: John Wiley & Sons, 1988.
Keywords: Blocking, Bonding, Bypassing/decoupling, Cable entry points,
Cables, Capacitors, Charge injection, Checkpoints, Checksums, CMOS devices,
Conductive coatings, Conductive fillers, Conductive paints, Conductive
plating, Connectors, Controls, Cyclic redundancy check (CRC), Electric field,
Enclosures/housings, Error-correcting codes (ECC), Error detection, Error
recovery, ESD current path, ESD damage, ESD risetime, ESD simulator (human
body model), ESD upsets, ESD voltage, ESD waveform, Ferrite beads/sleeves,
Filters, Floating inputs, Galvanic series, Gaskets, Ground planes, Grounding,
Guard rings, Hangs, Human body model (HBM), Inductive charging, Input/Output
(I/O) errors, Interrupts, Keyboards, Latch-up, Lock-ups, Loop area, Magnetic
field, Memory errors, Openings, Parity, Pigtails, Printed circuit boards
(PCB's), Range checking, Resetting, Resistors, Sampling data, Seams, Secondary
arcs, Shielding, Spacing, Software, Transfer Impedance, Triboelectric
charging, Triboelectric series, Unused memory, Watchdog timers.
[69] Paul, Clayton R.,
Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility. New York: John
Wiley & Sons, 1992. (Chapter 12, pages
Keywords: Arcing, Blocking, Bonding, Cable entry points, Cables, Capacitors,
Charge injection, Checksums, Clamps, Common-mode chokes, Conductive fillers,
Conductive paints, Current probes, Double-sided boards, Edge-triggered logic,
Electric field, Enclosures/housings, Error-correcting codes (ECC), Error
detection, Error recovery, ESD charge, ESD current, ESD damage, ESD frequency
range, ESD immunity, ESD risetime, ESD testing, ESD upsets, ESD voltage, ESD
waveform, Ferrite beads/sleeves, Filters, Floating inputs, Furniture ESD,
Gaskets, Ground grids, Ground planes, Grounding, Human body model (HBM),
Humidity, Inductive charging, Keyboards, Lead-length effects, Loop area,
Magnetic field, Memory errors, Multilayer boards, Openings, Optoisolators,
Parity, Pigtails, Power cords, Power distribution, Printed circuit boards
(PCB's), Resets, Response time, Sampling data, Seams, Secondary arcs,
Shielding, Showering arcs, Shunting, Slots, Software, Spacing, Static
dissipaters, Transient voltage suppressors (TVS's), Triboelectric charging,
Triboelectric series, Watchdog timers, Zener diodes.
[70] Perez, Reinaldo,
Handbook of Electromagnetic Compatibility. New York: Academic
Press, 1995.
Keywords: Air discharge, Antennas, Arcing, Bipolar devices, Bonding, Cables,
Case histories, Charge injection, Charged device model (CDM), CMOS devices,
Common-mode chokes, Conductive plating, Contact discharge, Controls, Corona,
Direct discharge, Electric field, Electromagnetic pulse (EMP) protection,
Enclosures/housings, ESD current, ESD damage, ESD frequency range, ESD
immunity, ESD simulator (human body model), ESD standards, ESD testing, ESD
voltage, ESD waveform, Ferrite beads/sleeves, Filters, Furniture ESD, Gaskets,
Ground fill, Ground grids, Grounding, Human body model (HBM), Humidity,
Indirect discharge, Inductive charging, Input/Output (I/O) errors, Keyboards,
Latch-up, Lightning protection, Lock-ups, Loop area, Machine Model (MM),
Magnetic field, Memory errors, Multilayer boards, Openings, Pigtails, Printed
circuit boards (PCB's), Program flow errors, Resets, Response time, Seams,
Secondary arcs, Shielding, Showering arcs, Software, Spacing, Triboelectric
charging, Triboelectric series.
[71] Schaffert, R. M.,
Electrophotography. New York: Focal Press, 1965.
Keywords: Paschen's Law, Spark gaps.
[72] Schaffner EMC Inc.,
Electromagnetic Compatibility. Union, NJ, June 1985.
(Chapter 3, pages 41-59)
Keywords: Arcing, Bonding, Conductive coatings, Controls, Electric field,
Enclosures/housings, ESD charge, ESD current, ESD damage, ESD duration, ESD
energy, ESD frequency range, ESD risetime, ESD simulator (human body model),
ESD standards, ESD testing, ESD voltage, Filters, Gaskets, Hand/tool model,
Humidity, Magnetic field, Memory errors, Noise-energy immunity, Noise
immunity, Openings, Program flow errors, Seams, Shielding, Switches,
Triboelectric charging.
[73] Smith, Douglas C.,
High Frequency Measurements and Noise in Electronic Circuits.
New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1993.
Keywords: Capacitive coupling, Current probes, Electric field, ESD current,
ESD damage, ESD sources, ESD risetime, ESD standards, ESD testing, ESD upsets,
ESD voltage, High-frequency measurements, Inductive coupling, Lead-length
effects, Magnetic field.
[74] Standler, Ronald B., Protection of Electronic Circuits from Overvoltages. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1989.
[75] Sweeney, Peter, Error Control Coding. New York: Prentice Hall, 1991.
[76] Tihanyi, Laszlo,
Electromagnetic Compatibility in Power Electronics. New York:
IEEE Press, 1995. (section 10.2.3, pages
Keywords: Air discharge, Capacitance, Capacitors, Clamps, Contact discharge,
Crowbars, ESD current, ESD duration, ESD risetime, ESD simulator (human body
model), ESD standards, ESD testing, Feedthrough capacitors, Filters, Gas
tubes, Ground grids, Ground planes, Grounding, Lead-length effects,
Metal-oxide varistors (MOV's), Multifunction capacitors (MFC's), Printed
circuit boards (PCB's), Response time, Shielding, Shunting, Transient voltage
suppressors (TVS's).
[77] Troutman, Ronald R.,
Latchup in CMOS Technology: The Problem and Its Cure. Boston,
MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1986.
Keywords: CMOS devices, ESD damage, ESD upsets, Input protection, Latch-up,
Output protection, Parasitic SCR, Response time.
[78] Tsaliocich, Anatoly, Electromagnetic Shielding Handbook for Wired and Wireless EMC Applications. Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999.
[79] Violette, J. L. Norman,
Noise Control & Design Considerations in High Performance
Electronic Circuits & Systems. Falls Church, VA: Violette Corp.,
Keywords: Blocking, Bonding, Bypassing/decoupling, Capacitance, Capacitors,
Clamps, Crowbars, Ferrite beads/sleeves, Ground planes, Metal-oxide varistors
(MOV's), Noise immunity, Response time, Shunting, Transient voltage
suppressors (TVS's), Zener diodes.
[80] Weston, David A.,
Electromagnetic Compatibility: Principles and Applications.
New York: Marcel Dekker, 1991.
Keywords: Bonding, Capacitors, Conductive coatings, Conductive fabrics,
Conductive fillers, Conductive paints, Connectors, Corrosion, Current probes,
Discoidal capacitors, Electromagnetic pulse (EMP) protection,
Enclosures/housings, ESD risetime, Feedthrough capacitors, Ferrite
beads/sleeves, Gas tubes, Gaskets, Ground planes, Grounding, Lightning
protection, Metal-oxide varistors (MOV's), Noise-energy immunity, Noise
immunity, Openings, Printed circuit boards (PCB's), Resistors, Response time,
Seams, Shielding, Transfer Impedance, Transient voltage suppressors (TVS's),
Zener diodes.
[81] White, Donald R. J.,
A Handbook Series on Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility
Volume 3: EMI Control Methods and Techniques. Germantown, MD: Don
White Consultants, 1973.
Keywords: Bonding, Capacitors, Controls, Corrosion, Electro-explosive devices
(EED's), Filters, Galvanic series, Gaskets, Seams, Shunting.
[82] Williams, Tim,
EMC for Product Designers. Oxford, England: Newnes, 1996.
Keywords: Air discharge, Bonding, Cables, Cable entry points, Cable routing,
Capacitors, Checksums, Common-mode chokes, Computer crashes, Conductive
coatings, Conductive fillers, Conductive paints, Conductive plating,
Connectors, Contact discharge, Controls, Data errors, Diagnostics, Direct
discharge, Edge-triggered logic, Electro-explosive devices (EED's),
Enclosures/housings, Error-correcting codes (ECC), Error detection, Error
recovery, ESD current, ESD damage, ESD risetime, ESD simulator (human body
model), ESD standards, ESD upsets, ESD testing, ESD voltage, ESD waveform,
Feedthrough capacitors, Ferrite beads/sleeves, Filters, Galvanic series, Gas
tubes, Gaskets, Ground planes, Ground wires, Hand/tool model, Human body model
(HBM), Humidity, Indirect discharge, Inductive coupling, Intermittent errors,
Interrupts, Keyboards, Lead-length effects, Level-sensitive logic, Loop area,
Memory errors, Metal-oxide varistors (MOV's), Metalized fabric, Multifunction
capacitors (MFC's), Noise-energy immunity, Noise immunity, Optoisolators,
Lock-ups, Magnetic field, Openings, Parity, Pigtails, Printed circuit boards
(PCB's), Program flow errors, Range checking, Refreshing, Resetting, Sampling
data, Seams, Shielding, Shunting, Slots, Software, Spacing, Spark gaps,
Strobing data, Switches, Transfer Impedance, Triboelectric charging,
Triboelectric series, Unused memory, Watchdog timers, Zener diodes.
[83] Williams, Tim, and Armstrong, Keith,
EMC for Systems and Installations. Boston, MA: Newnes, 2000.
(Section 10.2.2, pages 257-261)
Keywords: Air discharge, Bonding, Cable routing, Cables, Clamps, Connectors,
Contact discharge, Crowbars, Electric field, ESD current, ESD duration, ESD
risetime, ESD standards, ESD testing, ESD upsets, ESD waveform, Ferrite
beads/sleeves, Filters, Galvanic series, Gas tubes, Gaskets, Ground straps,
Ground wires, Human body model (HBM), Lightning protection, Magnetic field,
Metal-oxide varistors (MOV's), Openings, Seams, Shielding, Slots, Thyristors,
Transfer Impedance, Transient voltage suppressors (TVS's).
[86] ANSI, Guide for Electrostatic Discharge Test Methodologies and Criteria for Electronic Equipment, American National Standard ANSI C63.16-1991 (Draft).
[87] Department of Defense, Electrostatic Discharge Control Handbook for Protection of Electrical and Electronic Parts, Assemblies and Equipment (Excluding Electrically Initiated Explosive Devices) (Metric), MIL-HDBK-263B, 31 July 1994. (download from http://www.dodssp.daps.mil/)
[88] Department of Defense, High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse (HEMP) Protection for Ground-Based C4I Facilities Performing Critical, Time-Urgent Missions, MIL-STD-188-125, 26 June 1990. (download from http://www.dodssp.daps.mil/)
[89] Department of Defense, Military Handbook Lightning Protection, MIL-HDBK-1004/6, 30 May 1988. (download from http://www.dodssp.daps.mil/)
[90] Department of Defense, Military Specification Finishes for Ground Based Electronic Equipment , MIL-F-14072D(ER), 4 Oct. 1990. (download from http://www.dodssp.daps.mil/)
[91] Department of Defense, Military Specification Microcircuits, General Specification for MIL-M-38510J, 15 Nov. 1991. (download from http://www.dodssp.daps.mil/)
[92] Department of Defense, Military Standard Corrosion Prevention and Deterioration Control in Electronic Components and Assemblies, MIL-STD-1250A, 29 June 1992. (download from http://www.dodssp.daps.mil/)
[93] Department of Defense, Military Standard Dissimilar Metals, MIL-STD-889B, 7 July 1976.
[94] Department of Defense, Military Standard Grounding, Bonding and Shielding Design Practices, MIL-STD-1857(EL), 30 June 1976. (download from http://www.dodssp.daps.mil/)
[95] Department of Defense, Standard Practice Electrostatic Discharge Control Program for Protection of Electrica and Electronic Parts, Assemblies and Equipment (Excluding Electrically Initiated Explosive Devices) MIL-STD-1686C, Dec. 31 1992. (download from http://astimage.daps.dla.mil/docimages/0001\79\08\1686C.PD9)
[96] Department of Defense, Test Method Standard Microcircuits MIL-STD-883E, 31 Dec. 1996. (download from http://www.dodssp.daps.mil/)
[97] Department of Defense, Test Method Standard Semiconductor Devices MIL-STD-750D, 28 Feb. 1995. (download from http://www.dodssp.daps.mil/)
[98] Electronic Industries Association, "Designers Guide on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Bonding of Electronic Equipment," EMC Bulletin No. 5, Feb. 1964.
[99] Electronic Industries Association, "Designers Guide on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Cabling of Electronic Equipment," EMC Bulletin No. 8, Mar. 1965.
[100] Electronic Industries Association, "Designers Guide on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Enclosures for Electronic Equipment," EMC Bulletin No. 7, Oct. 1966.
[101] Electronic Industries Association, "Designers Guide on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Grounding of Electronic Equipment," EMC Bulletin No. 6, Dec. 1967.
[102] ESD Association, "Protection of Electrical and Electronic Parts, Assemblies, and Equipment (Excluding Electrically Initiated Explosive Devices," ANSI/ESD S20.20-1999, Aug. 4, 1999. (download from http://www.esda.org/pdf_files/s2020std.pdf)
[103] ESD Asociation, "Transient Induced Latch-Up," ESD Association Technical Report TR 09-00, Jan. 2000.
[104] European Computer Manufacturers Association, "Electrostatic Discharge Immunity Testing of Information Technology Equipment," ECMA TR/40, July 1987. (download from ftp://ftp.ecma.ch/ecma-tr/tr-040.pdf)
[105] European Computer Manufacturers Association, "Electrostatic Discharge Susceptibility," ECMA TR/23, Sept. 1984. (download from http://ecma.ch/)
[106] European Computer Manufacturers Association, "Limits and Methods of Measurement of Immunity Characteristics of Information Technology Equipment," ECMA Standard ECMA-237, June 1996.
[107] International Electrotechnical Commission, "Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Part 4: testing and measurement techniques section 2: Electrostatic discharge immunity test basic EMC publication," IEC International Standard 1000-4-2: 1995.
[108] International Electrotechnical Commission, "Electromagnetic compatibility for industrial-process measurement and control equipment, 2nd ed.," IEC International Standard 801-2, Apr. 1991.
[109] International Electrotechnical Commission, "Information technology equipment-- Immunity characteristics-- Limits and methods of measurement, 1st ed." IEC International Standard CISPR 24, Sept. 1997.
[110] IEEE, "IEEE Guide on Electrostatic Discharge (ESD): ESD Withstand Capability Evaluation Methods (for Electronic Equipment Subassemblies)", IEEE Std. C62.38-1994, Apr. 25, 1995.
[111] Ministry of Defence, "Metals and Corrosion Guide," Defence Standard 02-738, Aug. 1992. (download from http://www.dstan.mod.uk/)
[112] Wilson, Perry F., Ondrejka, Arthur R., Ma, Mark T., and Ladbury, John M., "Electromagnetic Fields Radiated From Electrostatic Discharges-- Theory and Experiment," NBS Technical Note 1314, Feb. 1988.
[113] "Design Guidelines for Prevention and Control of Avionic Corrosion," NAVMAT P 4855-2, June 1983. (download from http://web2.deskbook.osd.mil/htmlfiles/DBY_don-16-Careersalpha.asp)
[115] "A Comparison of Low Voltage Metal Oxide Varistors (MOVs) vs Transzorbs(R)," General Semiconductor Application Note 1010.
[116] "A Comparison of Zener Diodes vs Transzorbs(R) (A New Approach)," General Semiconductor Application Note 1009.
[117] "A Galvanic Series of Certain Metals and Alloys Arranged In Order of Corrosivity". (download from http://www.stusteel.com/galvseri.htm)
[118] "AC Ionizers: An Unknown Risk in the Manufacture of MR Heads," (download from http://www.ion.com/storage/tb1000.html)
[119] "ADI Reliability Handbook," 2000. (download from http://www.analog.com/world/quality/manuals/eos_esd_chapter_091400b_103.pdf)
[120] "Basic Applications for SurgX Devices," Cooper Electronic Technologies, Aug. 9, 1999. (download from http://www.cooperelectronics.com/pdf/3502.pdf)
[121] "Basics of Electrostatic Discharge Part 1-- An Introduction to ESD," Electrostatic Discharge Association, Jan. 2000. (download from http://www.esda.org/esdbasics1.htm)
[122] "Basics of Electrostatic Discharge Part Five-- Device Sensitivity and Testing," Electrostatic Discharge Association, Jan. 2000. (download from http://www.esda.org/esdbasics5.htm)
[123] "Calculating Clamping Voltage at Different Peak Pulse Currents," Semtech Surging Ideas SI97-02, Sept. 2000. (download from http://www.semtech.com/pdf/apptvs/si97-03.pdf
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[134] "Design & Development", Tektran. (download from http://www.tektran.com/page4.html)
[135] "Design Considerations for ESD Protection Using ESD Protection Diode Arrays," California Micro Devices Application Note AP-209, Oct. 1998. (download from http://www.calmicro.com/prod/data/pdf/ap-209.pdf)
[136] "Designing for Compliance: Immunity to ESD," Application Note, pp. 1-6.
[137] "Designing with Microcontrollers in Noisy Environments," ST Application Note AN435, 1998. (download from http://appnote.stts.edu/thompson/2488.Pdf)
[138] "Diagnostic Electrostatic Discharge Mapping," IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin, vol. 28 no. 10, pp. 4278-4279, Mar. 1986.
[139] "Disadvantage of On-chip Transient Protection," Semtech Surging Ideas SI97-04, Sept. 2000. (download from http://www.semtech.com/pdf/apptvs/si97-04.pdf)
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[141] "Electrostatic Discharge", Electronic Packaging & Production, vol. 37 no. 16, pp. 31, December 1997.
[142] "Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Protection for Ethernet Transceivers," Semtech Surging Ideas SI97-01, Sept. 2000. (download from http://www.semtech.com/pdf/apptvs/si97-01.pdf
[143] "Electrostatic Discharge Immunity," source unknown, pp. 4.
[144] "Electrostatic discharge problems," Electronic Engineering (London), vol. 55 no. 684, pp. 20, Dec. 1983.
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